性別視角下的翻譯史研究是自20世紀80年代以來在以雪莉·西蒙(Sher-rySimon)和露易絲·馮·弗洛圖(Luisevon Flotow)等加拿大女性學者為代表創(chuàng)立的西方女性主義翻譯理論基礎上發(fā)展起來的較新的翻譯研究領域。許多西方學者在相關領域已有較為豐富的研究成果,但在中國,相關研究仍十分有限,主要集中于少數(shù)幾部經典作品與不多的幾位女性譯者。鑒于在漢英文學翻譯及中國現(xiàn)當代女性作家作品在英語世界的接受等方面的研究仍十分匱乏,本書試圖從性別視角對20世紀30年代以來的現(xiàn)當代女性作家作品英譯史進行研究。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Studies on Translation History
1.2 Gender Perspective in Studies of Translation History
1.3 Limits of Related Research in China
1.4 Research Purpose and Contents
1.5 Research Methods
1.6 Research Significance
Chapter Two Emergence of Female Consciousness: From the 1930s to the1960s
2.1 Gender Related Social and Cultural Background
2.2 Translation of Women Writers' Works in this Period
2.3 Male Perspective in the Translated Works by Women Writers
2.4 Emergence of Female Consciousness in Woman Translators and Translated Works
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Awareness of Gender Consciousness: the 1970s and1980s
3.1 Gender Related Social and Cultural Background
3.2 Translation of Women Writers' Works in this Period
3.3 Awareness of Gender Consciousness in the West
3.4 Institutional Translation in Cluna as Resistance to Orientalism
3.5 Gladys Yang: A Feminist Translator
3.6 Summary
Chapter Four Variety in Gender Representation: Since the 1990s
4.1 Gender Related Social and Cultural Background
4.2 Translation of Women Writers' Works in this Period
4.3 Popularity of Translated Works by Women Writers:Pop Fiction
4.4 Western Women Translators' Promotion of Chinese Women Writers 'Works
4.5 Marginalization of Translated Works by Women Writers:
A Case Study of A Private Life
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
Appendix Major Translated Works by Women Writers in the English-speaking World
3.1 Gender Related Social and Cultural Background
3.1.1 Development of Chinese Feminism in This Period
During the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, the whole countr}r was involved in the political movement, and translation of literary works was greatly reduced, The year 1978 was regarded as a tuming point for the Chinese social life to get away from the control of political power and ideology. At the end of this year the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Conuuittee of the Chinese Communist Party was held in Beijing, and Deng Xiaoping's closing speech "Liberate the Mind, Be Practical and Realistic and Look Forward Corporately" marked the determination of the Party to open up not only in economy, but also in the fields of thoughts and
With the revival of humanity and humanism in the literary field, expression of individual emotions released from the control of political ideology and accusation of the historical trauma caused by the Cultural Revolution became the main theme of literature. Women's literature also began to thrive as a part of mainstream literature together with other types like Scar literature, lntrospection literature, Root-seeking literature and Avant Guade literature.
As a resul.t of vagueness and elimination of gender differences from the 1950s to the mid 1970s, the mainstream literature in the first decade after 1978 still didn't pay much attention to gender issues. However, some women writers, although greatly influenced by the mainstream thoughts, began to notice the difficult situation of women at the time and show female consciousness in their writing. They were well aware of the vulnerability of women's lives in face of dramatic social and political changes, and probed into the problems of conflicts between family and career for women, the gender identity of women, the attitudes of the society towards women and the disparity between self-realization and self-expectation.
In 1979, Shen Rong published her representative story At Middle Age. The work is usually regarded as one that belongs to introspection literature, and comments mainly focus on the difficult position of the intellectuals. However, it is also a reflection of women's dilemma at the beginning period of the New Era. The story is about Lu Wenting, the female protagonist, who was both mentally and physically exhausted under the double burden of family and work. Compared with traditional female characters, Lu Wenting acquired a new social role as a well-known ophthalmologist, which is a reconstruction of her identity, but her attitudes and expectation of her role in the family didn't change much from the tradition. This was a situation many career women, who were regarded as "Iiberated" at the time, had to face.
Wang Anyi's story And the Rain Patters On, appeared in the same year, but told a different story of a young girl Wenwen, who is the main character of her early series of works. Wenwen had a rich and colorful inner world and would not obey others blindly. Her individuality and faith in love was a breakthrough from the control of traditional ideas.
Love Must Not Be Forgotten, by Zhang Jie is generally regarded as the first representative feminist work of the New Era. It openly discusses the long forbidden issue of love, and highly praises the female protagonist's commitment to love and her unyielding spirit against prejudice. The story probes into the inner space of women which is filled with love and desire.
Since then, women writers began to abandon the sexless or neutral female images in literary works and began to explore women's identity and position in the society. Dai Houying's work Stones of the Wall also shows some female consaousness although the work is generally regarded as a part of Scar literature and the main theme of the book is humanism. The protagonist Sun Yue is independent and strong- minded, and at the same time she is in pursuit of love and happiness.