1 Bose-Einstein凝聚體 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 Bose-Einstein統(tǒng)計(jì) 2
1.3 Bose-Einstein凝聚 6
1.4 超冷原子氣體中的BEC 10
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 17
習(xí)題 18
2 超流4 He 21
2.1 引言 21
2.2 經(jīng)典與量子流體 22
2.3 宏觀波函數(shù) 26
2.4 2 He 的超流性 27
2.5 環(huán)流量子化與渦旋 30
2.6 動(dòng)量分布 34
2.7 準(zhǔn)粒子激發(fā) 38
2.8 小結(jié) 43
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 43
習(xí)題 44
3 超導(dǎo)電性 47
3.1 引言 47
3.2 金屬中的導(dǎo)電 47
3.3 超導(dǎo)材料 49
3.4 零電阻率 51
3.5 Meissner-Ochsenfeld效應(yīng) 54
3.6 完全抗磁性 55
3.7 第I類與第II類超導(dǎo)電性 57
3.8 London方程 58
3.9 London渦旋 62
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 64
習(xí)題 64
4 Ginzburg-Landau模型 67
4.1 引言 67
4.2 凝聚能 67
4.3 體相變的Ginzburg-Landau理論 71
4.4 非均勻體系的Ginzburg-Landau理論 74
4.5 超導(dǎo)體的表面 76
4.6 磁場下的Ginzburg-Landau理論 77
4.7 規(guī)范對稱性與對稱性破缺 79
4.8 磁通量子化 81
4.9 Abrikosov磁通格子 83
4.10 熱漲落 89
4.11 渦旋物質(zhì) 93
4.12 小結(jié) 94
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 94
習(xí)題 95
5 宏觀相干態(tài) 97
5.1 引言 97
5.2 相干態(tài) 98
5.3 相干態(tài)與激光 102
5.4 玻色子量子場 103
5.5 非對角長程序 106
5.6 弱相互作用玻色氣體 108
5.7 相干與超導(dǎo)體中的ODLRO 112
5.8 Josephson效應(yīng) 116
5.9 宏觀量子相干性 120
5.10 小結(jié) 123
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 124
習(xí)題 124
6 超導(dǎo)電性的BCS理論 127
6.1 引言 127
6.2 電-聲子相互作用 128
6.3 Cooper對 131
6.4 BCS波函數(shù) 134
6.5 平均場哈密頓量 136
6.6 BCS能隙與準(zhǔn)粒子態(tài) 139
6.7 BCS理論的預(yù)測 143
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 145
習(xí)題 146
7 超流3He與非常規(guī)超導(dǎo)電性 147
7.1 引言 147
7.2 3He的Fermi液體正常態(tài) 148
7.3 液態(tài)3He中的配對相互作用 152
7.4 3He的超流相 154
7.5 非常規(guī)超導(dǎo)體 158
進(jìn)一步閱讀材料 166
A 精選習(xí)題解答與提示 167
參考文獻(xiàn) 181
索引 185
1 Bose-Einstein condensates 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Bose-Einstein statistics 2
1.3 Bose-Einstein condensation 6
1.4 BEC in ultra-cold atomic gases 10
Further reading 17
Exercises 18
2 Superfluid helium-4 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Classical and quantum fluids 22
2.3 The macroscopic wave function 26
2.4 Superfluid properties of He II 27
2.5 Flow quantization and vortices 30
2.6 The momentum distribution 34
2.7 Quasiparticle excitations 38
2.8 Summary 43
Further reading 43
Exercises 44
3 Superconductivity 47
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Conduction in metals 47
3.3 Superconducting materials 49
3.4 Zero-resistivity 51
3.5 The Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect 54
3.6 Perfect diamagnetism 55
3.7 Type I and type II superconductivity 57
3.8 The London equation 58
3.9 The London vortex 62
Further reading 64
Exercises 64
4 The Ginzburg-Landau model 67
4.1 Introduction 67
4.2 The condensation energy 67
4.3 Ginzburg-Landau theory of the bulk phase transition 71
4.4 Ginzburg-Landau theory of inhomogenous systems 74
4.5 Surfaces of superconductors 76
4.6 Ginzburg-Landau theory in a magnetic field 77
4.7 Gauge symmetry and symmetry breaking 79
4.8 Flux quantization 81
4.9 The Abrikosov flux lattice 83
4.10 Thermal fluctuations 89
4.11 Vortex matter 93
4.12 Summary 94
Further reading 94
Exercises 95
5 The macroscopic coherent state 97
5.1 Introduction 97
5.2 Coherent states 98
5.3 Coherent states and the laser 102
5.4 Bosonic quantum fields 103
5.5 0ff-diagonallong ranged order 106
5.6 The weakly interacting Bose gas 108
5.7 Coherence and ODLRO in superconductors 112
5.8 The Josephson effect 116
5.9 Macroscopic quantum coherence 120
5.10 Summary 123
Further reading 124
Exercises 124
6 The BCS theory of superconductivity 127
6.1 Introduction 127
6.2 The electron-phonon interaction 128
6.3 Cooper pairs 131
6.4 The BCS wave function 134
6.5 The mean-field Hamiltonian 136
6.6 The BCS energy gap and quasiparticle states 139
6.7 Predictions of the BCS theory 143
Further reading 145
Exercises 146
7 Superfluid 3He and unconventional superconductivity 147
7.1 Introduction 147
7.2 The Fermi liquid normal state of 3He 148
7.3 The pairing interaction in liquid 3He 152
7.4 Superfluid phases of 3He 154
7.5 Unconventional superconductors 158
Further reading 166
A Solutions and hints to selected exercises 167
A.1 Chapter1 167
A.2 Chapter2 169
A.3 Chapter3 171
A.4 Chapter4 174
A.5 Chapter5 176
A.6 Chapter6 178
Bibliography 181
Index 185