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茶葉農藥多殘留檢測方法學研究(Analysis of Pesticide in Tea:Chromatography-
定 價:888 元
- 作者:龐國芳 著
- 出版時間:2019/10/1
- ISBN:9787122344113
- 出 版 社:化學工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:S481
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:
- 開本:16開

In China, tea has a long history. It is a unique Chinese health drink which is popular with people all over the world. It is also an important cash crop and a traditional bulk export agricultural product in China. As tea plants like to grow in hot and humid environment, so their growth process is very susceptible to diseases and insect pests and weeds, and chemical pesticide spraying is the most effective solution so far. However, chemical pesticides leave undesirable residues in tea in accompany with the increment of yield and these residues will affect human health through the food chain. In addition, the developed countries and regions, such as the European Union, the United States, and Japan, are important importers of Chinese tea. The increasingly strict pesticide residue limit standards (MRLs) have become an important bottleneck in Chinas tea export. Therefore, from the protection of human health, to eliminate trade barriers, and to safeguard the perspective of international trade of tea, the thorough study of the detection technique of multipesticide residues in tea and the establishment of a highsensitivity, accuracy, selectivity, and throughput detection method have extremely important practical significance.
This book is the systematic summarization of the research of our team on the detection technology theory and application of the multipesticide residues in tea products in last 10 years. The book describes in detail the high-throughput analytical techniques for 653 multiclasses and multikinds of pesticide residues and chemical pollutants in tea, while the mainstream and advanced detection means such as gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMS), gas chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS), liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS), gas chromatography quadrupole tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-Q-TOF), and liquid chromatography quadrupole tandem timeof- flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF) are concerned.
Compared with other plant-derived agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits, the composition of tea is extremely complex for it is rich in physiologically active compounds such as polyphenols, alkaloids, pigments, aromatic substances, amino acids, vitamins, and so on, and the composition varies greatly with processing procedure, so it is considerable difficult for the detection of multiclasses and multikinds of trace pesticide residues in tea.
Considering multiclasses and multikinds of pesticides may exist in different tea matrix, deep research on the comparison of the efficiency of various sample preparation technology and sample purification technology is introduced in this book, and the Cleanert TPT tea purification column, which has their own independent intellectual property rights, was developed. The simultaneous extraction and purification pretreatment method was established, while the matrix effect and its compensation of 28 different areas and species tea was deeply studied and the solution, using protecting agent for the compensation of matrix effect, was put forward.
In view of peoples drinking habits, the comparison of two extraction methods, hydration method and nonhydration method, on the extraction efficiency, purification effect of residual pesticides in tea, and the applicability of different pesticides was conducted in-depth. At the same time, each component of the uncertainty is discussed in detail, and the measurement uncertainty is regarded as evaluation criteria of the method.
In addition, in order to further evaluate the repeatability, reproducibility, and durability of the method, the authors also carried out the evaluation of the ruggedness of the method for up to 3 months. At the same time, concrete analysis has been made to error types from different analytical stages and their causes, while elaborated discussions have been conducted on the key control points in different stages of the method to ensure the accurate and reliable of the method.
Furthermore, the dynamics of pesticide degradation of aged oolong tea samples and contaminated green tea samples at different field test and room temperature storage conditions using the high-throughput detection method established were carried by the authors work team. The stability of the contaminated tea samples within 3 months was also investigated, so as the degradation rule of pesticides in tea can be obtained. So, the prediction of the content of pesticide residues using degradation dynamic equation can be accomplished and the results are basically consistent with the measured values. This has a very important significance in offering guidance to tea growers to the applications of pesticide and to the import and export trade of tea.
Based on the aforementioned series of important research, the international collaborative research, participated by a total of 30 laboratories from 11 countries and regions, was organized and implemented by our team as the Study Director of AOAC international and the purpose of the research is the evaluation of the reproducibility of the analysis method for the 653 kinds of pesticide residues in tea and investigation whether the method can meet the requirements of AOAC international official method. This is overall comprehensive collaborative research of AOAC international on the detection technical standards of pesticide residue in tea, meanwhile the detailed report of the study is also included in this book.
In short, a series of important studies about the detection technology of multipesticide residues in tea are involved in this book and they are the deepest and most comprehensive summary of high-throughput detection of multipesticide residues in tea till now. The method, high-throughput detection of 653 multiclasses and multikinds of pesticide residues and chemical pollutants using GCMS, GCMS/MS, and LCMS/MS, was selected as AOAC international priority research projects in 2010, and the method passed the AOAC international collaborative study and was approved as AOAC international official method for the detection of pesticide residues in tea (AOAC Official Method 2014.09) in 2014. Nevertheless, due to the limitations of the level, there may be unavoidable errors. We would kindly ask the users of this publication to provide feedback to the authors so that subsequent editions may be improved upon.
Guo-Fang Pang
October 10, 2017
龐國芳,中國檢驗檢疫科學研究院,研究員,中國工程院院士,國家質檢總局首席研究員、國際公職化學家聯(lián)合會(AOAC)專家,國際AOAC 2014年度 Harvey W. Wiley 獎獲得者。近30年一直工作在食品檢驗檢疫一線,致力于食品科學檢測技術理論與實踐的研究,解決了我國相關出口食品、農產品等遭遇的技術瓶頸,為推動我國對外貿易發(fā)展做出了杰出貢獻。研究制定了141項國際、國家檢測技術標準。在國內、國際出版食品安全檢測技術論著10部。發(fā)表論文100余篇,35篇被SCI收錄。3次榮獲國家科學技術進步二等獎,6次榮獲國際AOAC組織頒發(fā)的科學技術獎勵。
Preface xi
Introduction xiii
1 Fundamental Research: Analytical
Methods for Multiresidues in Tea
1.1 Simultaneous Determination of 653
Pesticide Residues in Teas by Solid
Phase Extraction (SPE) with Gas
ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
(GCMS) and Liquid Chromatography
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
1.1.1 Introduction 3
1.1.2 Experimental 4 Reagents and Materials 4 Apparatus 5 Extraction 5 Cleanup 5 Determination 5
1.1.3 Results and Discussion 6 Optimization of Gas
ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
Conditions and Selection of Pesticide
Varieties Suitable for Analysis 6 Optimization of Liquid
ChromatographyTandem Mass
Spectrometry Conditions and
Selection of Pesticide Varieties
Suitable for Analysis 6 Optimization of Sample Extraction
Conditions 10 Optimization of Sample Cleanup
Conditions 12 Evaluation of Method Effi ciency
LOD, LOQ, Recovery and Relative
Standard Deviations of Both Gas
ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
and Liquid ChromatographyTandem
Mass Spectrometry 48
References 90
1.2 Research on the Evaluation of the
Effectiveness of the Nontargeting,
High-Throughput Method for the
Detection of 494 Pesticides Residue
Using GC-Q-TOF/MS Technique
in Tea 91
1.2.1 Introduction 91
1.2.2 Experimental 92 Reagents, Standard, and Materials 92 Equipment 93 Condition of Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry 93 Pretreatment Methods for the Screening Analysis of Tea Samples 93
1.2.3 Establishment of Database 93
1.2.4 Evaluation of the Effi ciency of the Method 93 Qualitative Analysis 94 Screening Limit 95 Recovery (Rec. 60%120%&RSD < 20%) 111 Comprehensive Analysis
(Comparative Analysis the Infl uence
of Matrix on the Screening Limit
and Recovery of Pesticides) 113
1.2.5 Conclusion 114
1.3 A Study of Effi ciency Evaluation for
Nontarget and High-Throughput
Screening of 556 Pesticides Residues
by LC-Q-TOF/MS 115
1.3.1 Introduction 115
1.3.2 Experimental 116 Reagents and Materials 116 HPLC Conditions 116 Mass Spectrometry Conditions 116 Sample Preparation 117
1.3.3 Creation of the Pesticide Database 117
1.3.4 Method Evaluation 117 Qualitative Analysis 117 Screening Limits 117 Accuracy and Precision 119 Comprehensive Analysis of Screening Limits and Recoveries 124
1.3.5 Conclusions 124
1.4 A Study of Effi ciency Evaluation for
Nontarget Screening of 1050 Pesticide
By TOFMS and
1.4.1 Introduction 143
1.4.2 Experimental 143 Reagents and Materials 143 Standard Solution Preparation 144 Sample Collection and Pretreatment 144 Instrumental Analysis 144 Creation of the Pesticides Database 144 Method Evaluation 145
1.4.3 Results and Discussion 145 Screening Limits Analysis 145 Accuracy and Precision 147 Comparison of the Common-Detected Pesticides 150
1.4.4 Conclusion 152
2 Comparative Study of Extraction
and Cleanup Efficiencies of Residue
Pesticides in Tea
2.1 Review of Sample Preparation
Techniques for Residue Pesticides
in Tea 223
2.1.1 Review of Solid Phase Extraction Technique 223
2.1.2 Review of QuEChERS Method 224
References 225
2.2 Comparative Study of Extraction
Effi ciencies of the Three Sample
Preparation Techniques 227
2.2.1 Introduction 227
2.2.2 Experimental 228 Reagents and Materials 228 Apparatus 228 Experimental Method 228
2.2.3 Preparing Pesticides Incurred Tea
Samples and Deciding the Precipitated
Content of the Target Pesticide 229
2.2.4 Optimization of Experimental Conditions for Method-3 229
2.2.5 Optimization of the Evaporation
Temperatures and Degrees of the
Sample Solutions for Three Methods 245 Optimization Selection
of Temperatures of Rotary
Evaporation 245 Optimum Selection of the Degree of Rotary Evaporation 245
2.2.6 Stage I: Evaluation on the Extraction
Effi ciencies of the Multiresidue
Pesticides in Green Tea Samples
by Method-1, Method-2, and
Method-3 246 Test Data Analysis 246 Analysis of Experimental Phenomenon 246
2.2.7 Stage II: Evaluation on the Extraction
Effi ciencies of the Multiresidue
Pesticides in Green Tea and Oolong
Tea Samples by Method-1 and
Method-2 256
2.2.8 Stage III: Evaluation on the Extraction
Effi ciencies of Green Tea and Oolong
Tea Sample the Incurred 201 Pesticides
After 165 days by Method-1 and
Method-2 266 Test Data Analysis 266 Test Phenomenon Analysis 266
2.2.9 Conclusions 277
2.3 The Evaluation of the Cleanup
Effi ciency of SPE Cartridge Newly
Developed for Multiresidues
in Tea 279
2.3.1 Introduction 279
2.3.2 Reagents and Materials 280
2.3.3 Apparatus 280
2.3.4 Experimental 280
2.3.5 Stage I: The Comparative Test of the
Cleanup Effi ciencies of 12 SPE
Combined Cleanup Cartridges
Against the Spiked 84 Pesticides
in Tea 280
2.3.6 Stage II: The Comparative Test on
Cleanup Effi ciencies of Spiked 201
Pesticides in Tea with 4# Envi-Carb PSA
Tandem Cartridge and Cleanert TPT 281
2.3.7 Stage III: The Comparative Test on the
Cleanup Efficiencies of Green Tea and
Oolong Tea Youden Pair Samples
Incurred by 201 Pesticides with
Cleanert TPT Cartridge and 4# Envi-
Carb PSA Combined Cartridge 287 Comparison of the Determined
Values of Target Pesticide
Content 287 Comparison of the Reproducibility
of the Target Pesticide
Determination 295
2.3.8 Conclusions 329
References 464
3 Study on the Influences of Tea
Hydration for the Method Efficiency
and Uncertainty Evaluation of
the Determination of Pesticide
Multiresidues in Tea Using Three
Sample Preparation Methods/
3.1 A Comparative Study on the Influences
of Tea Hydration for the Method
Efficiency of Pesticide Multiresidues
Using Three Sample Preparation
Methods/GCMS/MS 467
3.1.1 Introduction 467
3.1.2 Experimental Method 469 Three Different Sample Preparation Methods 469 Aged Sample Preparation 469 Incurred Sample Preparation 469
3.1.3 Experimental Results and Discussion 470 Comparison of Accuracy and
Precision for Fortification
Recovery Experiments by the
Three Methods 470 Correlation Comparison of the
Three Methods Extraction Efficiency
with Pesticide log Kow Values 471 General Analysis of Method Applicability 474 Comparison of the Cleanup Efficiency for the Three Methods 478
3.1.4 Conclusions 478
References 482
3.2 Uncertainty Evaluation of the
Determination of Multipesticide
Residues in Tea by Gas
ChromatographyTandem Mass
Spectrometry Coupled with Three
Different Pretreatment Methods 483
3.2.1 Introduction 483
3.2.2 Reagents and Materials 484
3.2.3 Apparatus 485
3.2.4 Experimental Method 485 Method 1 (M1) 485 Method 2 (M2) 486 Method 3 (M3) 486
3.2.5 Estimation of Uncertainty 487 Identification of Uncertainty Sources 487 Calculation of Standard Uncertainty 489
3.2.6 Combined Uncertainty 497
3.2.7 Expanded Uncertainty 497
3.2.8 Result and Discussion 497 Uncertainty of M1 497 Uncertainty of M2 499 Uncertainty of M3 499 Comparison of the Three Methods for Uncertainty Analysis 500
3.2.9 Conclusion 503
References 504
4 Matrix Effect for Determination of Pesticide Residues in Tea
4.1 Review 505
4.1.1 Current Situation of Matrix Effect 505
4.1.2 Cluster Analysis and Its Application in Chemical Analysis 509
4.2 Study on the Matrix Effects of Different
Tea Varieties from Different
Producing Areas 510
4.2.1 Introduction 510
4.2.2 Experimental Materials 510
4.2.3 Preparation of a Test Sample 511
4.2.4 Instrumental Analysis Condition 512
4.2.5 Qualitative Analysis of the Sample and Data Processing 513
4.2.6 Matrix Effect Evaluation of GCMS 513
4.2.7 Evaluation of the Matrix Effect in Determination of GCMS/MS 517
4.2.8 Evaluation of the Matrix Effect in Determination of LCMS/MS 520
4.3 Compensation for the Matrix
Effects in the Gas Chromatography
Mass Spectrometry Analysis of 186
Pesticides in Tea Matrices Using
Analyte Protectants 523
4.3.1 Introduction 523
4.3.2 Experiment and Material 523
4.3.3 Experimental Method 524
4.3.4 Effect of Different Analyte Protectants on Solvent Standards 524
4.3.5 Effects of Different Analyte Protectant Combinations on Tea 527
4.3.6 Effectiveness Evaluation of Analyte
Protectant Compensation Matrix
Effect Method 530
4.4 Compensation for the Matrix
Effects in the Gas Chromatography
Mass Spectrometry Analysis of 205
Pesticides in Tea Matrices 533
4.4.1 Introduction 533
4.4.2 Experimental Materials 533
4.4.3 Experimental Method 533
4.4.4 Effect of Different Analyte Protectants on Solvent Standards 534
4.4.5 Effects of Different Analyte Protectant Combinations on Tea 534
4.4.6 Effectiveness Evaluation of
Analyte Protectant Compensation
Matrix Effect Method 537
References 541
5 The Evaluation of the Ruggedness
of the Method, Error Analysis, and
the Key Control Points of
the Method
5.1 Introduction 567
5.2 Experiment 568
5.2.1 Reagents and Materials 568
5.2.2 Apparatus 569
5.2.3 Preparing Pesticides-Aged Tea Samples
and the Evaluation of Uniformity for
Preparation 569
5.2.4 Experimental Method 569
5.3 Evaluation of the Ruggedness of the Method 570
5.3.1 Reproducibility Comparison
of the First Determination
RSD of Parallel Samples from
Pesticide-Aged Youden Pair
Samples with 18 Circulative
Determination Values 570
5.3.2 Evaluation of the Ruggedness of the Method
Based on the RSD of the Youden Pair Ratios
from the 3-Month Circulative
Experiment 571
5.4 Error Analysis and Key Control Points 573
5.4.1 Error Analysis of Sample Pretreatment and Key Control Points 573
5.4.2 The Effects of Equipment Status
on Test Results (Error Analysis)
and Critical Control Point 574
5.4.3 Chromatographic Resolution (Error Analysis)and Key Control Points 578
5.5 Conclusions 593
References 783
6 Study on the Degradation of Pesticide Residues in Tea
6.1 Study on the Degradation of 271
Pesticide Residues in Aged Oolong Tea
by Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass
Spectrometry and Its Application in
Predicting the Residue Concentrations of
Target Pesticides 787
6.1.1 Introduction 787
6.1.2 Reagents and Material 788 Reagents 788 Material 788
6.1.3 Apparatus and Conditions 788
6.1.4 Sample Pretreatment 789 The Preparation Procedures for Aged Tea Samples 789 Extraction 789 Cleanup 789
6.1.5 The Degradation of 271 Pesticides in Aged Oolong Tea 789 Degradation Trend A 790 Degradation Trend B 791 Degradation Trend C 791 Degradation Trend D 792 Degradation Trend E 792 Degradation Trend F 792
6.1.6 Pesticides in Different Classes 793
6.1.7 The Practical Application of Degradation Regularity 794 The Degradation Regularity of 20 Representative Pesticides 794 The Prediction of Pesticide Residues in Aged Oolong Tea 795
6.1.8 Conclusions 797
References 799
Study of the Degradation Profiles of
Pesticide Residues in Green Tea 801
6.2.1 Introduction 801
6.2.2 Reagents and Materials 802
6.2.3 Design of Field Trials 802 Selection of Pesticide Varieties 802 Selection and Planning of Tea Plantations 802 Pesticide Application and Incurred Tea Sample Preparations 803
6.2.4 Analytical method 804 Extraction and Cleanup 804 Apparatus Conditions 804
6.2.5 The Pesticide Degradation Profiles within 30 days for the Field Trials 805
6.2.6 Study on Pesticide Degradation by Three Techniques 805
6.2.7 Comparison of the Pesticides Degradation
to MRL Actual Values in Field Trials with
Power Function Equations Predicted Values
Detected by Three Techniques 807
6.2.8 Stability Study on the Pesticides in Incurred
Tea Samples at Room Temperature Storage
Conditions (1825C) 809
6.2.9 Conclusions 810
6.2.10 Acknowledgments 810
References 810
7 High-Throughput Analytical
Techniques for Determination of
Residues of 653 Multiclass Pesticides
and Chemical Pollutants in Tea by
Collaborative Study
7.1 The Pre-Collaborative Study of AOAC Method Efficiency Evaluation 813
7.1.1 Introduction 813
7.1.2 Design of Collaborative Study 814 Selection of Representative Pesticides 814 Preparation and Homogeneity Evaluation of Aged Samples 815 Types and Quantity of Collaborative Study Samples 815 Organizing and Implementing of Collaborative Study 815 System Suitability Check 816 Requirement for Participating in Collaborative Laboratories 816
7.1.3 Experiment 816 Instruments and Reagents 816 Preparation of Standard Solutions 816 Sample Preparation 817 Test Condition 818
7.1.4 Method Efficiency Acceptance Criteria 819 General Principle 819 Standard Curve Linear Correlation Coefficient Acceptance Criteria 820 Target Pesticide Ion Abundance Ratio Criteria 820 Recovery, RSDr, and RSDR Acceptance Criteria 821 Outliers Elimination Via Grubbs and Dixon Double Checking 821
7.1.5 Result and Discussion 821 The Labs That Deviated
from the Operational Method
Have Been Eliminated 821 Eliminations of Outliers Via
Double-Checking of Grubbs
and Dixon 821 Method Efficiency 821 Qualification and Quantification 825 Error Analysis and Tracing 829
7.1.6 Conclusions 832
References 832
7.2 Collaborative Study 835
7.2.1 Introduction 835
7.2.2 Collaborative Study Protocol 837 Need/Purpose 837 Scope/Applicability 837 Materials/Matrices 837 Concentrations/Ranges of Analytes 837 Spiked Samples of Blind Duplication 837 Naturally Incurred Residues Matrices 837 Sample Preparation and Handing Homogeneity 837 Quality Assurance 839
7.2.3 Method Performance Parameters for Single Laboratory 840 Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification 840 Accuracy and Precision for a Single Laboratory 841 Linearity of 653 Pesticides for Single Laboratory 841 Ruggedness of Multiresidue Method 841
7.2.4 Collaborators 841 Instrument and Materials Used by Collaborators 841
7.2.5 AOAC Official Method: High-Throughput
Analytical Techniques for Determination of
Residues of 653 Multiclass Pesticides and
Chemical Pollutants in Tea by GCMS, GC
MS/MS, and LCMS/MS 844 Principle 844 Apparatus and Conditions 844 Reagents and Materials 847 Preparation of Standard Solutions 849 Extraction and Cleanup Procedure 849 Qualitative and Quantitative 850
7.2.6 Results and Discussion 851 Evaluation of Collaborative Study Results 851 The Method Efficiency of the
Fortification Samples by GCMS,
GCMS/MS, and LCMS/MS 853 The Method Efficiency of the Aged
Samples by GCMS, GCMS/MS,
and LCMS/MS 859 The Method Efficiency of the
Incurred Samples by GCMS,
GCMS/MS, and LCMS/MS 864
7.2.7 Qualification and Quantification 865 Qualification of Target Pesticides 865 Quantification of Target Pesticides 865
7.2.8 Error Analysis and Traceability 871 GCMS Data Error Analysis and Traceability 871 GCMS/MS Data Error Analysis and Traceability 871 LCMS/MS Data Error Analysis and Traceability 875
7.2.9 Collaborators Comments on Method 877 Collaborators Comments on GCMS 877 Collaborators Comments on GCMS/MS 877 Collaborators Comments on LCMS/MS 878
7.2.10 Conclusions 879
References 880
Index 883