定 價(jià):58 元
- 作者:[美] 約翰.B.康韋 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2020/11/1
- ISBN:9787560391939
- 出 版 社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O17
- 頁碼:356
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
1 The Real Numbers
1.1 Sets and Functions
1.2 The Real Numbers
1.3 Convergence
1.4 Series
1.5 Countable and Uncountable Sets
1.6 Open Sets and Closed Sets
1.7 Continuous Functions
1.8 Trigonometric Functions
2 Differentiation
2.1 Limits
2,2 The Derivative
2.3 The Sign of the Derivative
2.4 Critical Points
2.5 Some Applications
3 Integration
3.1 The Riemann Integral
3.2 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
3.3 The Logarithm and Exponential Functions
3.4 Improper Integrals
3.5 Sets of Measure Zero and Integrability
3.6 The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
4 Sequences of Functions
4.1 Uniform Convergence
4.2 Power Series
5 Metric and Euclidean Spaces
5.1 Definitions and Examples
5.2 Sequences and Completeness
5.3 Open and Closed Sets
5.4 Continuity
5.5 Compactness
5.6 Connectedness
5.7 The Space of Continuous Functions
6 Differentiation in Higher Dimensions
6.1 Vector-valued Functions
6.2 Differentiable Functions, Part 1
6.3 0rthogonality
6.4 Linear Transformations
6.5 Differentiable Functions, Part 2
6.6 Critical Points
6.7 Tangent Planes
6.8 Inverse Function Theorem
6.9 Implicit Function Theorem
6.10 Lagrange Multipliers
7 Integration in Higher Dimensions
7.1 Integration of Vector-valued Functions
7.2 The Riemann Integral
7.3 Iterated Integration
7.4 Change of Variables
7.5 Differentiation under the Integral Sign
8 Curves and Surfaces
8.1 Curves
8.2 Green's Theorem
8.3 Surfaces
8.4 Integration on Surfaces
8.5 The Theorems of Gauss and Stokes
9 Differential Forms
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Change of Variables for Forms
9.3 Simplexes and Chains
9.4 Oriented Boundaries
9.5 Stokes's Theorem
9.6 Closed and Exact Forms
9.7 Denouement
Index of Terms
Index of Symbols