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定 價:48 元
- 作者:洋洋兔 編繪
- 出版時間:2024/1/1
- ISBN:9787508550442
- 出 版 社:五洲傳播出版社
- 中圖法分類:I287.8
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:特種紙
- 版次:
- 開本:12開

本書精心繪制和編寫了精衛(wèi)填海、夸父追日、嫦娥奔月等浪漫奇異又饒有趣味的神話故事,讓小朋友從中領略古人卓越的智慧與獨特的想象力,并從這些奇異、壯觀的故事中獲得勇氣和熱情。同時,通過閱讀中國神話,也是追尋中華民族的根,了解中華文明的鑰匙。This book is a collection of romantic and amusing legends including Jingwei filling up the sea, Kuafu chasing the sun, and Change flying to the moon. From these stories, we can have a glimpse of the wisdom and imagination of ancient people and gain from them the courage and enthusiasm we need. Also, by reading Chinese mythology, we are also tracing the root of the Chinese nation. No matter how time flies, Chinese myths and legends will always serve as a key to the Chinese culture.
How did the universe begin? Where did time and space come from? You may explain it using the Big Bang theory, saying it all began from a great explosion 13.8 billion years ago. But Zhuangzi, a Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century BC told us, the universe began from the death of Hundun, when Shu and Hu tried to help him bore seven orifices. SanwuLiji(Historical Records of the Three Sovereign Divinities and the Five Gods), an ancient Chinese classic, however, told us that it was Pangu who separated the sky and the earth, originally all in one like an egg. This is the charm of myths: magnificent and imaginative. They represent how human beings in the past conquered nature with fantasy, and they are common around the world. Not being complete as Greekor Indian mythology, Chinese mythology nevertheless addresses how ancient Chinese dealt with the relationship with nature. Pangu created the world by separating the sky from the earth; Nwa created human beings with yellow clay and mended the sky with five-color stones, showing how our ancestors perceived nature such as the sun, the moon, the stars, the wind, the rain, the thunder and the lightening as well as natural disasters such as the flood and the earthquake; Kuafu and Houyi bravely fought against nature. All of these myths and legends have laid the foundation of the way of thinking and national character that are unique to the Chinese people, who strike a balance between romance and practicality, fight and harmony.This is a book specially designed for children. Apart from attractive stories, you will also find the pure innocence of childhood, the valuable experience of our ancestors, and the great spirit of altruism and perseverance. It is the right book to inspire children and expand their imaginations. Years later when they grow up, they may excusably forget the details of the stories, but the truth, kindness and beauty entailed will live with them for a lifetime.
Death of HundunAncient Chinese GodsPangu Creating the WorldNwa Creating Human BeingsFuxi Drawing the Eight TrigramsXihe Bathing the Ten SunsChangxi Bathing the Twelve MoonsShennong Tasting Hundreds of HerbsJingwei Filling up the SeaZhurong the God of FireGonggong the God of WaterXingtian the God of WarYellow Emperor Fighting against ChiyouLeizu Raising the Silkworms Cangjie Creating Chinese CharactersKuafu Chasing the SunYugong Moving the MountainsHouyi Shooting the SunChange Flying to the Moon