Chapter 1Outline of Radiodiagnostic Report
Section 1The Writing Principle of Radiodiagnostic Report從事放射學(xué)診斷的醫(yī)生應(yīng)全面、客觀地依據(jù)患者的放射學(xué)所見,密切結(jié)合臨床和其他相關(guān)檢查,有時(shí)需要在親自檢查患者后才能作出判斷——放射學(xué)診斷。
The radiologist should make rational and reliable conclusion(s)radiodiagnosis(readiodianoses),based on the combination of radiodiagnostic findings with the clinical data and the other related and corresponding tests,sometimes examining the patient in detail personally.
The following are essential in radiodiagnosis(radiodiagnoses).
。1)Normal radiodiagnostic findings are familiarized on the basis of anatomy and physiology of the human body.
(2)Abnormal radiodiagnostic findings are identified in accordance with the knowledge of pathology,medical diagnostics and radiodiagnostics.
。3)The radiodiagnostic findings should be combined with the clinical symptoms and signs,results of laboratory tests and other medical imaging information,and therapeutic effectiveness to make a reliable diagnosis.Meanwhile,all technical factors in the examination should be taken into consideration,such as postures,views,regions of the body,examination techniques and imaging equipment.Only through cultivating a good habit of analyzing radiographs in a certain order and interpreting the radiological findings as an interrelated whole,then,can the radiologist reach reliable conclusion(s).
Section 2The Writing Method of Radiodiagnostic Report
The tasks of radiodiagnosis are intended to resolve 3 questions which are localization,quantification and characterization of lesion(s).The first two steps are prerequisites and the final step leads to diagnosis(or diagnoses).For each radiograph,technical factors are considered firstly.Then,careful observations will be explored from the right to the left of an image of a patient,from upward to downward. Following that,the radiologist should have a comprehensive and reasonable analysis(analyses). Be sure,nothing is ignored especially in the margins of images.
1.Distribution of lesions
Some diseases often predispose in a certain part(parts)of the human body.There are some rules of thumb for them.Distributions of lesions are depicted as an extensive or localized range,scattered or dense structure.
2.Numbers and sizes of lesions
These often relate to the characterization of lesions.
3.Shapes and margins of lesions
A fuzzy margin on a patchy shadow often represents an acute inflammation,while a clear margin in a stripelike substance usually suggests a chronic proliferation.
4.Changes in density
In comparison with the normal surrounding tissues,lesions are described as high density,low density or isodensity.
5.Surrounding tissues
It is important to verify whether there are scattered “satellite”foci and alterations of the surrounding structures.
Section 3The Structure of Radiodiagnostic Report
The writing of radiodiagnostic report has to be a precise work because it is not only a consulting suggestion for clinicians but also a medicolegal document.The radiologist should choose words carefully and correctly and try to make the report in clarity of description and a reasonable analysis.Carelessness should always be avoided at any condition.A radiodiagnostic report should include the following items: basic information,description,diagnosis(or diagnoses)and signature of the radiologist(s).
1.Basic Information
Filling out the header line by line,such as Name,Age,Sex of the patient;Number of Xray examination,Number of CT examination,Number of MRI examination,Number of DSA examination,Number of inpatient,Number of outpatient;Date of Xray examination,Date of CT examination,Date of MRI examination,Date of DSA examination;Regions of examinations;Views of radiographs(including Posteroanterior(PA)view,Anteroposterior(AP)view,Left Lateral(LL)view,Right Lateral(RL)view,Left Anterior Oblique(LAO)view,Right Anterior Oblique(RAO)view,and etc);referring department of the patient and the clinical diagnosis(or diagnoses).These data can