《自然史》原著為法文,共44卷。本版為英國學(xué)者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻譯出版的10卷冊(cè),是原著中*精華的部分,主要包括地球的理論、動(dòng)物史、人類史、家畜馴養(yǎng)史,并簡單介紹了礦物和植物等內(nèi)容。《Natural History(1 自然史 第1卷)》可供生物學(xué)、生態(tài)學(xué)、地質(zhì)學(xué)等專業(yè)的高校師生和相關(guān)科研人員以及博物愛好者閱讀。
哲語說,文如其人!蹲匀皇贰返淖髡卟挤,全名喬治,路易.勒克萊爾.布封(Georges-Louis Leclerc,Comte de Buffon, 1707-1788),如同他的不朽著作一樣,也有一部不尋常的經(jīng)歷。他生于法國,自幼喜好自然科學(xué),特別是數(shù)學(xué)。1728年法律專業(yè)畢業(yè)后,又學(xué)了兩年醫(yī)學(xué)。20歲時(shí)就先于牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn)了二項(xiàng)式定理;26歲成為法蘭西科學(xué)院機(jī)械部的助理研究員,翻譯并出版了英國博物學(xué)者海爾斯的著作《植物生理與空氣分析》和牛頓的《微積分術(shù)》;1739年,32歲的他轉(zhuǎn)為法蘭西科學(xué)院數(shù)學(xué)部的副研究員,并被任命為“巴黎皇家植物園及御書房”的總管;1753年成為法蘭西科學(xué)院院士。他用40年的時(shí)間寫出了長達(dá)36卷的《自然史》,后又由他的學(xué)生整理出版了8卷,共44卷。此書一出版,就轟動(dòng)了歐洲的學(xué)術(shù)界,各國很快有了譯本。1777年,法國政府給布封建了一座銅像,上面寫著:“獻(xiàn)給和大自然一樣偉大的天才!边@是對(duì)布封的崇高評(píng)價(jià)。
《自然史》原著為法文,這里出版的是英國學(xué)者James Smith Barr在1797-1807年翻譯的英文版10卷冊(cè),選取的是原著中最精華的部分。發(fā)行這樣的英文版高級(jí)作品、高級(jí)讀物,就像外文書籍、外文刊物一樣,自然面對(duì)的也是高水平的讀者和館藏者,希望他們既可以接近原汁原味地欣賞原著,感受自然的魅力,受到自然科學(xué)和文學(xué)藝術(shù)的熏陶,同時(shí)又能自然而然地提高英文素養(yǎng)和寫作水平。在廣大知識(shí)分子外語水平普遍提高的今天,這樣的科學(xué)傳播形式也許會(huì)受到越來越多讀者的青睞。
THE Theory of the Earth
Proof of the Theory of the Earth
Article Ⅰ On the Formation of the Planets
Article Ⅱ From the System of Whiston
Article Ⅲ From the System of Burnet
Article Ⅳ From the System of Woodward
Article Ⅴ Exposition of some other Systems
Article Ⅵ Geography
Article Ⅶ On the Production of the Strata, or Beds of the Earth
Article Ⅷ O-n Shells, and other Marine Productions found in the interior Parts of the Earth
Article Ⅸ On the Inequalities of the Surface of the Earth
Article Ⅹ Of Rivers
《Natural History(1 自然史 第1卷)》:
These are the principal phenomena of the earth, the result of discoveries made by means of geometry, astronomy, and navigation. We shall not here enter into the detail of the proofs and observations by which those facts have been ascertained, but only make a few remarks to clear up what is still doubtful, and at the same time give our ideas respecting the formation of the planets, and the different changes thro' which it is possible they have passed before they arrived at the state we at present see them.
There have been so many systems and hypotheses framed upon the for-mation of the terrestrial globe, and the changes which it has undergone, that we may presume to add our conjectures to those who have written upon the subject, especially as we mean to support them with a greater degree of prob-ability than has hitherto been done: and we are the more inclined to deliver our opinion upon this subject, from the hope that we shall enable the reader to pronounce on the difference between an hypothesis drawn from possibilities,and a theory founded in facts; between a system, such as we are here about to present, on the formation and original state of the earth, and a physical history of its real condition, which has been given in the preceding discourse.
Galileo having found the laws of falling bodies, and Kepler having observed that the area described by the principal planets in moving round the sun, and those of the satellites round the planets to which they belong, are propor-tionable to the time of their revolutions, and that such periods were also in proportion to the square roots of the cubes of their distances from the sun, or principal planets. Newton found that the force which caused heavy bodies to fall on the surface of the earth, extended to the moon, and retained it in its orbit; that this force diminished in the same proportion as the square of the distance increased, and consequently that the moon is attracted by the earth; that the earth and planets are attracted by the sun; and that in general allbodies which revolve round a centre, and describe areas proportioned to the times of their revolution, are attracted towards that point. This power, known by the name of GRAVITY, is therefore diffused throughout all matter; planets,comets, the sun, the earth, and all nature, is subject to its laws, and it serves as a basis to the general harmony which reigns in the universe. Nothing is better proved in physics than the actual existence of this power in every material sub-stance. Observation has confirmed the effects of this power, and geometrical calculations have determined the quantity and relations of it.This general cause being known, the effects would easily be deduced from it,if the action of the powers which produce it were not too complicated. A single moment's refiection upon the solar system will fully demonstrate the difficulties that have attended this subject; the principal planets are attracted by the sun,and the sun by the planets; the satellites are also attracted by their principal planets, and each planet attracts all the rest, and is attracted by them. All these actions and reactions vary according to the quantities of matter and the distances, and produce great inequalities and irregularities. How is so great a number of connections to be combined and estimated? It appears almost impossible in such a crowd of objects to follow any particular one; nevertheless those difficulties have been surmounted, and calculation has confirmed the suppositions of them, each observation is become a new demonstration, and the systematic order of the universe is laid open to the eyes of all those who can distinguish truth from error.
We feel some little stop, by the force of impulsion remaining unknown; but this, howe'ver, does not by any means affect the general theory. We evidently see the force of attraction always draws the planets towards the sun, they would fall in a perpendicular line, on that planet, if they were not repelled by some other power that obliges them to move in a straight line, and which impulsive force would compel them to fly off the tangents of their respective orbits, if the force of attraction ceased one moment. The force of impulsion was certainly communicated to the planets by the hand of the Almighty, when he gave motion to the universe; but we ought as much as possible to abstain in physics from having recourse to supernatural causes; and it appears that a probable reason may be given for this impulsive force, perfectly accordant with the law of mechanics, and not by any means more astonishing than the changes and revolutions which may and must happen in the universe.