定 價(jià):37 元
叢書名:普通高等教育“十三五”規(guī)劃教材 工程制圖及計(jì)算機(jī)繪圖精品課程系列教材
- 作者:程蓮萍主編
- 出版時(shí)間:2017/8/1
- ISBN:9787030483393
- 出 版 社:科學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TH126-44
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:
- 版次:
- 開本:8
目錄(Contents )
第一章 制圖的基本知識(shí)( Basic Knowledge ofDrawing)
1-1字體練習(xí)(Lettering Exercises) 1
1-2圖線練習(xí)(Lines Exercises) 2
1-3標(biāo)注尺寸(Dlmenslonlng) 3
1-4幾何作圖(Geometric Construction) 4
1-5作業(yè)1基本練習(xí)( Basic Excrciscs) 5
第二章正投影法基礎(chǔ)( Basic Orthographic Projection Theory)
2-1投影基礎(chǔ)(Basis ofProjcction) 6
2-2畫平面立體的三面投影(Draw Three Proj ections of Polyhedral Solids) 7
第三章點(diǎn)?直線?平面的投影以及平面與平面立體相交( The Projection of Points, Lines, Planes and Intersection of Planes and Solids)
3-1點(diǎn)的投影(Projection orPoints) 8
3 2直線的投影(一)( Projcction ofLincs) 9
3-3直線的投影(二)(Pr01ecIion ofLlnes) 10
3-4平面的投影(一)(Projcction of Plancs) 11
3-5平面的投影(二)(Pr01ectlon ofPlanes) 12
3-6平面上的點(diǎn)和線?平面與萍面立體相交(Points and Lines in the Plane,lntersection of Planes and Polyhedral Solids) 13
3-7平面立體的切割與穿孔(Cutting and PerCorating on Polyhedral Solids) 14
第四章基本曲面立體的投影( Projections ofCurved Solids)
4-1回轉(zhuǎn)體及其表面上的點(diǎn)?線(Rotary Solids andHlements on Their Surfaces) 15
4-2平面與回轉(zhuǎn)體表面相交(一)(Intcrscction of Plancs and Rotary Solids) 16
4-3平面與回轉(zhuǎn)體表面相交(二)(Intersectlon ofPlanes andRotarv Sollds) 17
4-4兩回轉(zhuǎn)體表面相交(一)(Intcrscction ofTwo Rotary Solids) 18
4-5兩回轉(zhuǎn)體表面相交(二)(Intersection ofTwo Rotary Solids) 19
4-6根據(jù)所給的水平投影,用“√”標(biāo)識(shí)出能構(gòu)成立體的正面投影(Select Correct Frontal Projection)20
4-7根據(jù)所給的正面及水平投影,用“√”標(biāo)識(shí)出能構(gòu)成立體的側(cè)面投影(Select Correct Profile Projcction) 21
第五章組合體( Composite Solids)
5-1根據(jù)立體圖補(bǔ)畫投影中所缺圖線(Add Missing Dctails According to the Pictorial Drawings) 22
5-2補(bǔ)面投影中所缺圖線(Add Missing Dctails) 23
5-3根據(jù)立體圖所注尺寸,用1:1畫出組合體三面投影(Draw Three Projections of Composite Solids) 24
5-4選擇題(一)( Choice Questions) 25
5-5選擇題(二)(Choice Questions) 26
5-6標(biāo)注組合體尺_(dá)上(一)( Dimension Composite Solids) 27
5-7標(biāo)注組合體尺寸(二)(Dimension Composite Solids) 28
5-8第1?2?3題補(bǔ)漏線,第4?5?6題補(bǔ)畫第三面投影(一)( Add Missing Dctails and Draw the Third Proj ections) 29
5-9讀懂組合體的兩面投影圖,補(bǔ)畫第三面投影(二)(Draw the Third Projections) 30
5-10讀懂組合體的兩面投影圖,補(bǔ)畫第三面投影(三)(Draw the Third Projections) 31
5-11作業(yè)2組合體三面投影(Three Projections orComposite Solids) 32
第六章軸測(cè)圖( Axonometric Projections)
6-1根據(jù)立體的投影圖,在指定位置畫出立體的軸測(cè)圖(Draw Axonometric Projections at Spcclncd Posit|ons Accord1“g to thc ProJcctions ofS011ds) 33
6-2根據(jù)所給投影圖,徒手畫立體的軸測(cè)圖,1?2題正等測(cè),3.4題斜二測(cè)(Draw Isometric Projections and Cabinet Axonornetry Projections Freehand According to the Projections Given) 34
第七章機(jī)件常用的表達(dá)方法( General Principlcs of Rcprcscntation ofMachine Components)
7-1基本視圖及其他視圖( Principle Vicws and the Othcr Vicws) 35
7-2剖視圖的基本概念(一)(BaslcConcept ofSectlonalViews) 36
7-3剖視圖的基本概念(二)(Basic Conccpt of Scctional Vicws) 37
7-4壘剖視圖(Full Sectional Views) 38
7-5半剖視圖(Half-scctional Vicws) 39
7-6局部剖視圖(Local Sectlonal views) 40
7-7單一剖切?幾個(gè)平行的剖切面剖切?幾個(gè)相交的剖切面剖切(Single Cutting Plane, Multiple Parallel Cutting Planes, Multiple Inicrsccting Cutting Plancs) 41
7-9局部放大圖及常用簡化畫法(Drawing ofPartial Enlargcmcnt and Gcncral Simplificd Representations) 43
7-10表達(dá)方法的綜合應(yīng)用(ComprchcnslvcAppllcation ofR印rcscntatlon Pnnclplcs) 44
7-11作業(yè)3機(jī)件的表達(dá)方法(Rcprcscntation Mcthods ofParts) 45
第八章標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件?齒輪和彈簧( Standard Parts, Gears and Springs)
8-1螺紋的規(guī)定畫法和標(biāo)注( Specified Drawing and Marking orThreads) 46
8-2螺紋緊圖件(一)(ScrewFasteners) 47
8-3螺紋緊圖件(二)(Screw Fasteners) 48
8-4作業(yè)4螺紋緊固件的連接畫法( Joining Drawing Mcthods ofScrcw Fastcncrs) 49
8-5直齒圓柱齒輪?圓柱銷(Spur Cylindrical Gear, Parallel Pin) 50
8-6普通平鍵?圓柱螺旋壓縮彈簧(Square and Rcctangular Key, Cylindricalllclical Compresslon Spring) 51
第九章零件圖(Detail Drawings)
9-1表面結(jié)構(gòu)?幾何公差?極限與配合(Surface Texture, Geometrical Tolerance, Linuts and Fits) 52
9-2讀零件圖(一)軸( Rcad Dctail Drawing ofa Shaft) 53
9-3讀零件圖(二)軸承蓋(Read Detail Drawing ofa Baring Cover) 54
9-4讀零件圖(三)十字接頭(Rcad Dctail Drawing of a Cruciform Joint) 55
9-5讀零件圖(四)底座(ReadDetailDrawing ofa Base) 56
9-6作業(yè)5零件測(cè)繪(Mapping Parts) 57
第十章裝配圖( Assembly Drawings)
10-1根據(jù)千斤頂?shù)妮S測(cè)圖和零件圖拼畫裝配圖(Make an Assembly Drawing or a Jack According to the Axonomctric Proj cction and Dctail Drawings) 58
10-2作業(yè)6由零件圖拼畫裝配圖(Draw an Assembly Drawing from Detail Drawings)
作業(yè)7由裝配圖拆畫零件圖(Draw Dctail Drawings from an Asscmbly Drawing) 59
10-3讀螺紋調(diào)節(jié)支承裝配圖(Read the Assembly Drawing of ThreadAdjustment Bearing) 60
10-4讀虎鉗裝配圖(Read the Assembly Drawing of Jaw Vice) 61
10-5讀蝴蝶闊裝配圖( Read the Assembly Drawing of Butterfiy Valve) 62
10-6讀柱塞泵裝配圖(Read the Assembly Drawing oFPiston Pump) 63
參考文獻(xiàn)( Reterences)