1.1 Magnetism and Other Effects of Electron-Electron Interaction
1.2 Sources of Magnetic Fields
1.3 Getting Acquainted: Magnetite
1.3.1 Charge States
1.3.2 Spin States
1.3.3 Charge Ordering
1.4 Variety of Correlated Systems: An Outline of the Course
2 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
2.1 Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field
2.1.1 Non-Relativistic Treatment
Motion in a Magnetic Field
Zeeman Effect (I)
2.1.2 Relativistic Effects
Spin-Orbit Coupling
Zeeman Effect (II)
Problem 2.1
2.2 Direct Exchange
Problem 2.2
2.3 Many-Electron Ions
Problem 2.3
2.3.1 Coupling to the Magnetic Field
Digression: The Bohr-Van Leeuwen Theorem
2.3.2 Hund's Rules
Problem 2.4
2.4 Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism
2.4.1 Paramagnetic Susceptibility
Magnetization Curve
Problems 2.5-2.8
2.4.2 Diamagnetism
Digression: Superstrong Fields
2.5 Hydrogen Molecule
2.5.1 Direct Exchange in Non-Orthogonal Orbitals
2.5.2 Kinetic Exchange
2.5.3 Molecular Orbitals versus Heitler-London
Solutions to the Problems
3 Crystal Field Theory
3.1 Incomplete Shells in an Anisotropic Environment: CrystaIFields
3.2 The Role of Symmetry Arguments in Quantum Mechanics
3.2.1 Irreducible Representations
3.3 The Octahedral Group
Problems 3.1-3.2
3.4 Symmetry Properties of Atomic States
3.5 Splitting of a d-Level in Cubic Field
3.5.1 Quenching the Orbital Angular Momentum
3.5.2 Partial Restoration ofOrbitalMomentum by Spin
Orbit Coupling
Problems 3.3-3.4
3.5.3 High-Spin versus Low-Spin States
3.6 Jahn-Teller Effect
3.7 Time Reversallnvariance
3.8 The f2 Configuration
3.8.1 Cubic Crystal Field
3.8.2 Tetragonal Crystal Field
3.8.3 Metamagnetic Transition
3.8.4 Exchange Induced Magnetism
Problems 3.5-3.6
3.9 DoubleGroups
4 Mott Transition and Hubbard Model
5 Mott Insulators
6 Heisenberg Magnets
7 Itinerant Electron Magnetism
8 Ferromagnetism in Hubbard Models
9 The Gutzwiller Variational Method
10 The Correlated Metallic State
11 Mixed Valence and Heavy Fermions
12 Quantum Hall Effect
A Hydrogen Atom
B Single-Spin-Flip Ansatz
C Gutzwiller Approximation
D Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation