定 價:35 元
- 作者:(英)麥卡弗蒂,(美)莫澤 著,張華嵩 等注
- 出版時間:2010/10/1
- ISBN:9787560099163
- 出 版 社:外語教學與研究出版社
- 中圖法分類:G634.413
- 頁碼:166
- 紙張:銅版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
學習英語必須了解英美文化,因為語言是文化的組成部分,是文化的載體,兩者息息相關。大量事實表明,語言理解的障礙往往不在語言結構本身,而在相關文化知識的缺乏。何謂文化?從廣義來說,文化是人類在社會和歷史發(fā)展進程中創(chuàng)造的物質財富和精神財富的總和,包括文學、藝術、音樂、科學、技術、哲學、地理、建筑等。從狹義來說,文化是人們的生活方式、風俗習慣、行為準則等。所有這些,都需要用語言表達。英語有句名言:想要掌握兩種語言,必須掌握兩種文化。(Tobe bilingual,One must be bicultural.)英美文化對于廣大的英語學習者的重要性可見一斑,而對于廣大的一線英語教師來說,如果能夠掌握廣博的英美文化,不僅能夠提升自己的文化素養(yǎng),能夠更加準確、傳神地講述教材,取得較好的教學效果,還能夠進一步激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣和積極性,擴展他們的國際視野。
1 British and American culture:an introduction
What do you think of when you think of Britain?
United or divided?
American stereotypes
Multicultural US
2 People
The characteristics of the people of Britain
Who was the greatest Brit ever?
National characteristics of the American people
The greatest and best-known Americans
3 Family and society
The place of children in British society today
A closer look at British family life
The breakdown of Western family life
Birth and breeding, or beauty and brains? 1 British and American culture:an introduction
What do you think of when you think of Britain?
United or divided?
American stereotypes
Multicultural US
2 People
The characteristics of the people of Britain
Who was the greatest Brit ever?
National characteristics of the American people
The greatest and best-known Americans
3 Family and society
The place of children in British society today
A closer look at British family life
The breakdown of Western family life
Birth and breeding, or beauty and brains?
4 Homes
Houses in the UK
Houses in the US
On-campus apartment
The unspoken rules on visiting people's homes
5 Life in the county and the city
Where is your dream home?
The British love of the past
From London to St:DaVid, what makes a city in the UK?
Differences in the city and countryside in the US
6 Education
How education works in Britain
If it's tiee, why do some parents choose to pay?
School leaving traditions and rituals
Educalion in the US
7 Work
May the best candidate win!
Career building in the UK
Office etiquette in the UK and US
Longer holidays or hivher taxes
8 Leisure
Learning new skills and making new friends
Leisurely walk or 'extreme sports' - it's your choice
Get rich quick or 'easy come, easy go'
Shop till you drop
9 Holidays
National days in the English-speaking world
Days to remember the special people in your life
The connection between holy days and holidays
10 Cuisine
What do we like toeat in the UK?
You are what you eat!
A quick 'cuppa' or an extravagant spread?
What is 'on' and what is not when it comes to eating?