修訂了對對應(yīng)定理、su2 表示、正交關(guān)系等內(nèi)容的討論,并把線性變換和因子分解都拆分為兩章來介紹。
Michael Artin,當(dāng)代領(lǐng)袖型代數(shù)學(xué)家與代數(shù)幾何學(xué)家之一,美國麻省理工學(xué)院數(shù)學(xué)系榮譽(yù)退休教授。1990年至1992年,曾擔(dān)任美國數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)主席。由于他在交換代數(shù)與非交換代數(shù)、環(huán)論以及現(xiàn)代代數(shù)幾何學(xué)等方面做出的貢獻(xiàn),2002年獲得美國數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)頒發(fā)的Leroy P.Steele終身成就獎(jiǎng)。Artin的主要貢獻(xiàn)包括他的逼近定理、在解決沙法列維奇-泰特猜測中的工作以及為推廣“概形”而創(chuàng)建的“代數(shù)空間”概念。
1 Matrices
1.1 The Basic Operations
1.2 Row Reduction
1.3 The Matrix Transpose
1.4 Deternunants
1.5 Permutations
1.6 Other Formulas for the Determinant
2 Groups
2.1 Laws ofComposition
2.2 Groups and Subgroups
2.3 Subgroups of the Additive Group of Intege
2.4 Cyclic Groups
2.5 Homomorphisms
2.6 Isomorphisms
2.7 Equivalence Relations and Partitions
2.8 Cosets
2.9 Modular Arithmetic
2.10 The Correspondence Theorem
2.11 Ptoduct Groups
2.12 Quotient Groups
3 VectorSpaces
3.1 SubspacesoflRn
3.2 Fields
3.3 Vector Spaces
3.4 Bases and Dimension
3.5 Computing with Bases
3.6 DirectSums
3.7 Infinite-DimensionalSpaces
4 LinearOperators
4.1 The Dimension Formula
4.2 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
4.3 Linear Operators
4.4 Eigenvectors
4.5 The Characteristic Polynomial
4.6 Triangular and DiagonaIForms
4.7 JordanForm
5 Applications ofLinear Operators
5.1 OrthogonaIMatrices and Rotations
5.2 Using Continuity
5.3 Systems ofDifferentialEquations
5.4 The Matrix Exponential
6 Symmetry
6.1 Symmetry ofPlane Figures
6.2 Isometries
6.3 Isometries ofthe Plane
6.4 Finite Groups of Orthogonal Operators on the Pl
6.5 Discrete Groups oflsometries
6.6 Plane Crystallographic Groups
6.7 Abstract Symmetry: Group Operations
6.8 The Operation on Cosets
6.9 The Counting Formula
6.10 Operations on Subsets
6.11 Permutation Representations
6.12 Finite Subgroups ofthe Rotation Group
7 More Group Theory
7.1 Cayley's Theorem
7.2 The Class Equation
7.3 Groups
7.4 The Class Equation of the IcosahedraIGroup
7.5 Conjugationin the Symmetric Group
7.6 Normalizers
7.7 The Sylow Theorems
7.8 Groups ofOrder12
7.9 TheFreeGroup
7.10 Generators and Relations
7.11 The Todd-Coxeter Algorithm
8 BilinearForms
8.1 BilinearForms
8.2 SymmetricForms
9 Linear Groups
10 Group Representations
11 Rings
12 Factoring
13 Quadratic Number Fields
14 Linear Algebra in a Ring
15 Fields
16 Galois theory