Chapter1 State Space Description
1.1 Definition of State Space
1.1.2 Definitions
1.1.3 State Space Description
1.1.4 Transfer Function Matrix
1.2 Obtaining State Space Description from I/O Description
1.2.1 Obtaining State Space Description from Differential Equation
1.2.2 Obtaining State Space Description from Transfer Function
1.2.3 Obtaining State Space Description from Block Diagram
1.3 Obtaining Transfer Function Matrix from State Space Description
1.4 Description of Composite Systems
1.4.1 Basic Connection of Composite Systems
1.4.2 Description of the Series Composite Systems
1.4.3 Description of the Parallel Composite Systems
1.4.4 Description of the Feedback Composite Systems
1.5 State Transformation of the LTI system
1.5.1 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector
1.5.2 State Transformation
1.5.3 Invariance Properties of the State Transformation
1.5.4 Obtaining the Diagonal Canonical Form by State Transformation
1.5.5 Obtaining the Jordan Canonical Form by State Transformation
Chapter2 Time Response of the LTI System
2.1 Time Response of the LTI Homogeneous System
2.2 State Transition Matrix
2.2.1 Definition
2.2.2 Properties of the State Transition Matrix
2.3 Calculation of the Matrix Exponential Function
2.3.1 Direct Method
2.3.2 Laplace Transform Method
2.3.3 Similarity Transformation Method
2.3.4 Cayley—Hamilton Theorem Method
2.4 Time Response of the LTI System
Chapter3 Stability of the control System
3.1 The Basics of Stability Theory in Mathematics
3.2.1 Equilibrium Point
3.2.2 Concepts of Lyapunov Stability
3.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory
3.3.1 Lyapunov First Method
3.3.2 Lyapunov Second Method
3.4 Application of Lyapunov 2nd Method to the LTI System
3.5 Construction of Lyapunov Function to the
Nonlinear System
Chapter4 Controllability and Observability
4.1 Controllability of The LTI System
4.1.1 Controllability
4.1.2 Criteria of Controllability
4.2 Observability of The LTI System
4.2.1 Observability
4.2.2 Criteria of Observability
4.3 Duality
4.4 Obtaining the Controllable and Observable Canonical Form by State
4.4.1 Obtaining the Controllable Canonical Form by State Transformation
4.4.2 Obtaining the Observable Canonical Form by State Transformation
4.5 Canonical Decomposition of the LTI System
4.5.1 Controllable Canonical Decomposition
4.5.2 Observable Canonical Decomposition
4.5.3 Canonical Decomposition
4.6 Minimal Realization of the LTI System
4.6.1 Realization Problem
4.6.2 Realization of SISO System
4.6.3 Realization of MIMO System
4.6.4 Minimal Realization
Chapter5 Synthesis of the LTI System
5.1 State Feedback Control of the LTI System
5.1.1 State Feedback
5.1.2 Controllability and Observability of the Closed—Loop System
5.1.3 Poles Placement by State Feedback Control
5.1.4 Zeros of the Closed—Loop System
5.2 Design of the State Observer
5.2.1 Full—Order State Observer
5.2.2 Design of the Full—Order State Observer
5 3 Feedback System with the State Observer
Chapter6 Discrete Time Control System
6.1 State Space Description of Discrete Time System
6.1.1 State Space Description of Discrete Time System
6.1.2 Obtaining State Space Description from Difference Equation or Impulse Transfer Function
6.1.3 Obtaining Impulse Transfer Function Matrix from State Space Description
6.2 State Equation Solution of Discrete Time LTI System
6.2.1 Iterative Method
6.2.2 z Transform Method
6.2.3 Calculation of the State Transition Matrix
6.3 Data—Sampled Control System
6.3.1 Realization Method
6.3.2 Three Basic Assumptions
6.3.3 Discretization from the State Solution of Cominuous Time System
6.3.4 Approximate Discretization
6.4 Discrete Time System Stability Analysis and Criteria
6.4.1 Lyapunov Stability of Discrete Time System
6.4.2 Lyapunov Stability Theorem of Discrete Time System
6.4.3 Stability Criteria of Discrete Time LTI System
6.5 Controllability and Observability of Discrete Time LTI System
6.5.1 Controllability
6.5.2 Observability
6.5.3 Condition of Remaining Controllability and Observability by Sampling
6.6 Comml Synthesis of Discrete Time LTI System
6.6.1 Design of Poles Placement
6.6.2 State Observer
Example 1.1 A very simple RLC network shown in Figure 1.1 is considered.
Suppose that the voltage u(t) is the input to the RLC network. This circuit contains two energy-storage elements: the inductor and the capacitor. Applying Kirchhoff's laws, the voltage uc (t) across the capacitor C and the current iL (t) through the inductor L satisfv the following diifferential equations.
The second-order differential equation (1. 4) is called the differential equation description of the system.The differential equation description can be directly converted to the transfer function description by Laplace transform. By taking the Laplace transform of (1.4) and assuming the zero initial conditions hold true, the transfer function description of the RLC network is obtained asFrom the description (1.4) and (1.5), it can be seen that the differential equation description and the transfer function description are all the external descriptions of a system.
If we make the definitions,x1(t) = uc(t) and X2 (t) =iL (t), for t∈(0,t], the following differential equations can be obtained from (1.1) and (1.2).
The set of the differential equations in matrix form (1.8) or(1.9)is called the state equation of the system.
The set of the algebraic equations in the matrix form (1.11) is called the output equation of the system.
Both the state equation and the output equation are called the state space description of asystem. The state space description is an internal description of system.
Lyapunov asymptotically stability means that we are able to select a bound on initial condition, that will result in the state trajectory which remains within a chosen finite limit and will return to Xe. The geometrical implication of Lyapunov asymptotically stability is shown in Figure 3. 2.
Definition 3.9 If δ, which is appear in (3.19) and indicates the bound on initial condition, is not the function of to and the equilibrium point Xe is stable i. s. L, then Xe is said to be uniformly stable.
Definition 3.10 If δ, which is appear in (3.19) and indicates the bound on initial condition, is not the function of to and the equilibrium point Xe iS asymptotically stable i. s. L, then Xe iS said to be ruuformly asymptotically stable.
Definition 3.11 If the equilibrium point Xe iS asymptotically stable i. s. L for any initial state, then the equilibrium point Xe iS said to be globally asymptotically stable or asymptotically stable in the large.